Software Engineering Vocabulary — Chinese/Mandarin
A compiled list of Software engineering related words in Mandarin

Due to recent work circumstances, I’ve been exposed heavily to reading documentation written in Chinese (中文文档). As someone who grew up in an English speaking household, despite being Chinese, the process of getting through just a single page document was not only agonizing slow but mentally taxing as well. It has been about a month since I stared this journey and the feeling of not understanding a thing after having read a sentence has long become second nature to me. Over these past couple of weeks, I’ve been keeping a close track and putting a together a list of ‘Software Engineering’-related vocabulary to aid my learning.
I’m sharing this list with anyone who might be interested (or in the same position as me) in hopes that this helps alleviate some of the growing pains as well. Without further ado, here we go:
- 文档 Wéndàng — documentation
- 服务 Fúwù — service
- 架构 Jiàgòu —architecture
- 注册 Zhùcè — register
- 设计 Shèjì — design
- 版本 Bǎnběn — version
- 集群 Jíqún — cluster
- 数据 Shùjù — data
- 同步 Tóngbù — synchronize
- 配置中心 Pèizhì zhōngxīn — configuration centre
- 主从 Zhǔ cóng — master-slave
- 信息 Xìnxī — information
- 模式 Móshì — model
- 生产(者) Shēngchǎn (zhě) — produce(r)
- 消费(者) Xiāofèi (zhě) — consumer(r)
- 详解 Xiángjiě — to explain in detail
- 逻辑 Luójí — logic
- 处理 Chǔlǐ — to handle ~
- 流量 Liúliàng — flow/traffic
- 启动 Qǐdòng — start up
- 部署 Bùshǔ — deploy
- 会抛 Huì pāo — ~ will throw (error)
- 设置 Shèzhì — set up
- 捕获(异常) Bǔhuò (yìcháng)— catch (exception)
- 抛出(异常) Pāo chū (yìcháng) — throw (exception)
- 挂掉 Guà diào — ~ to drop
- 故障 Gùzhàng — bug (in software)
- 容灾操作步骤 Róng zāi cāozuò bùzhòu — disaster recovery steps
- 带宽 Dàikuān — bandwidth
- 离线 Líxiàn — offline
- 演练 Yǎnliàn — walkthrough
- 单纯 Dānchún — simply
- 订阅 Dìngyuè — subscription
- 负载均衡 Fùzǎi jūnhéng — load balancing
- 均衡分配 Jūnhéng fēnpèi — balanced distribution
- 宕机 Dàng jī — downtime
- 优雅关闭 Yōuyǎ guānbì — graceful shutdown
- 组协调者 Zǔ xiétiáo zhě — group coordinator
- 查询 Cháxún — inquiry
- 具体原因分析 Jùtǐ yuányīn fēnxī — root cause analysis
- 排查思路 Páichá sīlù — troubleshooting ideas
- 接口 Jiēkǒu — interface
- 实例 Shílì — (computing) instance /An example of
- 技术 Jìshù — technical
- 运维 Yùn wéi — operation and maintenance
- 云原生 Yún yuánshēng — cloud native
- 项目追踪 Xiàngmù zhuīzōng — project tracking
- 延迟 Yánchí — delay
- 覆盖 Fùgài — cover
- 触发 Chùfā — trigger
- 类型 Lèixíng — type of ~
- 函数 Hánshù — function
- 共享 Gòngxiǎng — share
- 场景 Chǎngjǐng — situation/scenario
- 系统 Xìtǒng — system
- 重试队列 Chóng shì duìliè — retry queue
- 规则 Guīzé — rule
- 遵循 Zūnxún — follow
- 研发 Yánfā — R&D
- 事故 Shìgù — accident
- 复盘 Fù pán — remediation/re-continuation
- 业务 Yèwù — business
- 立即 Lìjí — immediate
- 指定 Zhǐdìng — to appoint / to assign
- 确认 Quèrèn — confirm
- 缩减 Suōjiǎn — reduce
- 节点 Jiédiǎn — node
- 参数 Cānshù — parameter
- 基于 Jīyú — based on ~
- 审核 Shěnhé — Audit
- 领域 Lǐngyù — domain
- 概念 Gàiniàn — concept
- 循环 Xúnhuán — cycle (not the physical sport)
- 即可 Jí kě — Can then (do something)
- 缓存 Huǎncún — Cache
- 整合 Zhěnghé — intergration
- 排序 Páixù — sort
- 规划 Guīhuà — planning
- 拉取 Lā qǔ — client pull (computing)
- 额外 Éwài — additional
- 说明 Shuōmíng — information/explanation
- 逐步 Zhúbù — step-by-step
- 扩展 Kuòzhǎn — expand
- 相应 Xiāngyìng — corresponding/ relevant/ appropriate
- 频繁Pínfán — frequent
- 排除 Páichú — exclude
- 导致 Dǎozhì — lead to
- 细节 Xìjié — details/particulars
- 强调 Qiángdiào — emphaize
- 交流 Jiāoliú — communicate
- 将Jiāng-will
- 过滤Guòlǜ — filter
- 术语 Shùyǔ — terminology
- 解释 Jiěshì — explain
- 负责 Fùzé — responsible for ~
- 监控 Jiānkòng — to monitor
- 告警 Gàojǐng — to report
- 顺序 Shùnxù — sequence, order
- 规模 Guīmó — scale [noun]
- 暴露 Bàolù — to expose; to reveal; to lay bare
- 稳定 Wěndìng — stability
- 存储 Cúnchú — to store; memory; storage
- 实际 Shíjì — actual
- 拷贝 kǎobèi — copy (loanword — i.e. it sounds like copy)
- 策略 cèlüè — strategy; tactics
- 磁盘 cípán — (computer) disk
- 瓶颈 píngjǐng — bottleneck
- 调度 Diàodù — scheduling
- 恢复 Huīfù — recover
- 持久化存储 Chíjiǔ huà cúnchú — persistent storage
- 弹性 tánxìng — elasticity; flexibility
- 目录 mùlù — directory (on computer hard drive); list; contents
And…. there we go. For those who have a better command of Chinese than I do, I understanding that some of the translations might not be wholly precise, but they should capture the spirit of the word — feel free to let me know, will correct it once it’s double checked!
I’ll continue to build upon this list every week, so do drop a follow if you’re interested as well 😊. If anyone wishes to contribute to this list, do leave a comment on some of terms/phrases that you encountered, I would love to add them in.